American Political Culture in Transition: The Erosion of Consensus and Democratic Norms

Professor Wayne A. Selcher, Ph.D.
Professor of International Studies Emeritus
Department of Politics, Philosophy, and Legal Studies
Nicarry Hall
Elizabethtown College
One Alpha Drive
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022-2298
Editor, WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources


This article identifies and examines the major characteristics, trends, and tendencies in American political culture and political performance that have been evolving in recent years, for a comprehensive picture of how Americans perceive and believe about their country and its political system. The analysis places the findings in a comparative perspective, provides relevant insights from other Western democracies, and discusses the implications of the findings for American democracy. Many links to high-quality, cost-free online sources are offered to facilitate further study of relevant aspects of the contemporary situation of the United States.

This article was originally published by OPEU – Observatório Político dos Estados Unidos 

American Political Culture in Transition: The Erosion of Consensus and Democratic Norms
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